Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Monday, December 27, 2010

HAPPY 21ST miao miao !!!!

- sorry u have to light up the candles urself, miao -

- after some time, both of us get to celebrate for u again -

- melted candles , an art, just like how friendship, so beautiful -

- finally can blow the candles , because the candles almost melted away LOL -

- the FUN begun -

- WE are HAPPY , comot miao -

- WE enjoyed the cake, durian cake, chosen by dee -
the last one among us to celebrate his 21st on 2010 birthday calender
manage to surprise him, by "breaking in" his house =p
how smart are we LOL
have a great december pals !!!