Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Sunday, August 31, 2008

merdeka celebration

will update my merdeka celebration soon..

to be continue .....

after my assignments...

very unpatriotic way of celebrating...


anyways... happie bday to u

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


another hour to class..
who's more talkative?
ok, lame.

Monday, August 25, 2008

hehee =)


i know i haven't been updating.

just a short update.

previously i went for a ski trip!

yes, to mt hotham, not mt buller!

err..what bout it?!

it was FUNFUNFUN!!!

i knew i would love it..

but of course there's still sometimes where ppl so potong complaining this and that..

tiring..(true la..)

uncomfortable ski boots..(true, but wtv)

i dunno how to ski..

those kinda thing!

aiyo, you paid then you go enjoy la!
your leg/shoulder/arms ache few days will die ar?!

gosh. and no one wants to go up with me taking the ski lift!

but luckily, got one daring friend of friend of mine that actually bothers going up with me.

yes, luckily got him else i won't be having fun for the entire trip.
to disappoint you, his msian , not an angmoh!

well, obviously right~
fyi, not many angmoh went to my surprise..

ok, i know i look super funny in that goggles!

but wtv, its not mine.

and everyone wears it over there.

so i'm not sesat yet.

but the snow is sooooo nice!!

well, its super cold tho~

its super dry..

i had bad days with my skin when i'm back.

and snowman is made!

and some other pictures..

ski lifts to go higher..

this is the path going up to the apartment rented..

it's filled with so much snow, and on the first day have to carry luggage all..

worst when coming down!


hooohoo! that's why it's enjoying! kekekee =D

yes, things are placed outside cafes..

snow all over!

snowboarders are all so yeng i tell you!!

oh, and this is how i carry that stupid heavy thingy.

but luckily, 2nd day, someone with muscles offers to carry it for me!


finally his gyming has come to good use!


i really like this black jacket..oh well, its SO exp! haha.


and i miss you all!

see ya!

-yean ling-

P.S. tiengwei, where are you?

i don't see you online or anything at all..

and you updating the blog too!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

sharing is caring

let me share something interesting with u guys..

this is wat happen...

step 1: buy a bottle or a carton of beer...

step 2: put it inside in freezer...

step 3: go get drunk and will eventually forget bout it

step 4: open the freezer next day...

this is the outcome!


looks like cream puff? xD

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Me having internet problems. Again.

Hi! This is me.. replying to Ade: Me miss you too!

Thank god for internet. Im so broke I can't even afford to make a call atm.

I know I haven't been updating recently.

Internet sux.

Its not my fault.

I'm NOT lazy..

So here's a simple post to tell you all, that i shall update my blog soon.

I'm not sure how soon.

But most definitely soon.
(btw, your definition and my definition of 'soon' might differ) =D

Note: This is just so I can put my name here. No idea what crap am i posting. Haihz. But now you guys had better not accuse me of not blogging here! =P And regarding my blog.. i shall update more often........ or at least i shall try? After all, its the effort that counts right?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dieded..... NOT!!

Well, time for an update from me ya? =D

I'm here happily declared i got conned when i was buying a eyeliner.

Yea, i bought a RM70 eyeliner from Bobbi Brown in Mid Valley. Was helping a friend to buy. Mana tahu she told me she can get for RM50. =.=

Babi giler, so she took the eyeliner went back to the shop and get back the RM20 they overcharged.

I swear to heaven and hell, next time I'm buying any cosmetics, i am so gonna bring a girl along. =.=

k, story end. Next person to update please.. =)

me back in adelaide

greetings from adelaide =)

adee misses all of u all