Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Tuesday, November 6, 2007


i know im supposed to be studying..
especially since maths is in 3 days time
and i'm totally failing the dumb dumb subject
but you gotta give me a break right?
whatever la..
feel like want to give up d..
and knowing ling a.k.a maths genius
i'm sure she'll disagree
am i right?

dun bother answering
of course i'm right.. =p
okay, i'm talking lots of crap here

haha.. i'm just bored..
you'll probably be thinking now : "this girl too free d.." right?

i hate studying.
so sue me =="