Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Monday, December 7, 2009

in memories, always..

just found out the news about a friend of mine, TAN HAN YIN has passed on, on the date of 6/12/2009, 6pm


i bet those who studied at lick hung, or probably went to etika for tuition, or maybe tru some seafield frens, or saw him at basketball courts somewhere..

will have known him..


well, i've known him tru etika during the acctg tuition.

sometimes, i do bump into him when i lepak at ss17 basketball court.


i'd always thought that he is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy
always have a bright sunny smile on his tanned-face
though sometimes he caci me,but i noe he did tat for no offence
it jz for fun
and i rmbr tat, besides the fun he had of zat-ing me, i oso 'enjoyed' hitting him up XD
besides tat, he also had conteng my canon calculator cover..with liquid paper -.-
the sense of art he claimed worrr..
the sweeeeeeets giving during tuition is jz also part of the memories ~


and now,
he is gone
he left us
to a much much better place
where he can rest in peace


struck by lightning under a tree they said
rediculous was, before that he was playing basketball with his pals
his fave sport after all
but after he was struck, his heart stil beating
which means that he stil can be saved !
but the ambulance, did not come immediately for the rescue !
until,his frens tat wif him, gotta call his parents for help


time delayed
a young life cant be saved


life is really full of surprises
and i can say dis is not the surprise that i awaiting for
losing a friend just like this
is jz unbelivable
but stil, have to bear with it


* han yin, you always will be missed

rest in peace dude *