i started my acca course d..
tuesday(6/01) was my first day of class..
until today(8/01) every1 like started to getting to know each other..
faster than i expected..haha
it's a VERY GOOD THING tat everything in class went smoothly..
well,not ALL actually..cz i'd been late for my first class and today's morn class too..
first day,i'm late, cz i cnt find d classroom..
( me really blurrrrrrr... )
second day,which is today,i got morn class : 0800 class starts..
even tho i left hse at 0725 i reached there around 0825.. >.<
SUPER LATE !! luckily my lectuer is like doin sum introduction..
so it was ok..
ermm..i late because...of d accident happened on da way to puchong..
and also in front of d sunway toll !!!
geeeezzzz !! caught in 2jamsssss..
nvm lorrrr dis one..
some time today,i went ladies..
obviously after i'd done my"business"
i'll for sure flush it..
and i tried TWICE as da first attempt failed..
sumtin wrong wif d water flowing..
mana tau,when i walk out,
da cleaner was talking to me, said : "pergi flush toilet tuuu .. "
then i said : " me??sudah flushed laa .. "
she said agn : " sudah besar pun tak tau flush,busuk lah tau "
ehhh....i felt offended leaaaaa.....
I DID FLUSH D TOILET okayyyyyy..
da aunty must be pekak d or she's having pms jz wanna find fault wif me.. -.-"
yea..but stil i flushed AGAIN..
dammmmm nggg song lorrrr...
kena accused lidat by aunty cleanerrrrr..
luckily i chose not to look at her..
if not i'll rmbr her face 4eva.. -.-"
dammm it !!
fine laaa..tat's all i wanna report lorrr..
actually everything is fine n fresh 4 me..
jz d JAM n AUNTY CLEANER kacau ny..
-ciaoz- ^^
Jealousy kills
13 years ago
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