Start of a new decade
Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!
Its all a sweet sweet memory~
Since I've nothing much to do, not really, but trying to ignore them for tonight, I've decided to contribute a little here.It's just one of the weekly lunch session we have, but I enjoyed every single one :)
i miss my family..
brrr. they're having Baskin Robbins now..
i miss you all..
PC Fair 2009 (31July - 2Aug)
as usual lo...pc fair ma...i sure working wan
this time decided to stick to da previous company
Selling speaker...EACAN
this time was better because they actually play few songs
rather than keep on repeating the same song
like last time...*Zzzz*
too busy d...till forget to take picture
to be uploaded here
nvm pc will upload more