Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Saturday, November 15, 2008

i'm done with my exams too..

but i'll be back around mid december..
i've booked my flight on the 19th, but i have to change to some other dates..
coz i've no key home that day..aihx.
probably will spend christmas here..
boxing day..haha!
still waiting and see if i can get a job over here now..
now that exam's over, have to choose 2nd years subject again.
and i hate it.
i don't know what subjects to do..
they are all taking language subject..
and my language sharks.
have to gao tim it soon, else kena fine for $250 each day i'm late. haihx.

anyway, take care people!
see you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


im done with my finals... phiewww...
lots of love from adeline =)

Monday, November 10, 2008

shameless advertising

i've been awake for 39 hours. ter-amat amazing-kan??? hehe

and guess what i've been doing when my internet is down?
(although my paper was due in a few hours and i hvn started..)

lol. don't ask. this is what happens when im nt asleep by 7am =\

btw, for those who don't know yet.. checkout my new blog!!!!
*shameless advertising wtf*

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I know everyone's either having major exams, assignments due, or being stressed out of their lives for some reason or another.
Just wanna wish you guys GOOD LUCK.


Life's been difficult for me. Any comfort you can offer me would be gladly accepted. I miss you guys. Hope to hear from you soon.

Remember to take care.