Start of a new decade


Thanks to Tieng Wei and Hock Chin for giving this page a new look! Hope everyone continues checking in once in a while and people, DO STAY IN TOUCH!

Its all a sweet sweet memory~


Monday, May 11, 2009


finally graduated d lo...
but Diploma onli la....
stil hav 2 yr degree...

somehow it time to play....
4 of my frens came 2 subang...
on da Wesak day...
wanna visit around wo...
so as they wish la...
they reached Kelana Jaya LRT at 12pm...
let start our journey...

1st station...
Sunway College...
since it a public holiday ma...
so we jz went around outside da college...
tieng wei...dn called u cz i noe u r not ther...
hopefully i'm rite la...

2nd station...
Sunway Pyramid...
tis is da main location they wanna visit...
at da time is around 1pm d...
so for sure HUNGRY la...
went 4 Sushi King...


spot tis in da last pic???
it in front of me bt not all belong to me...

3rd station...
Sunway Pyramid Ice...

after lunch...
shop, fool, walk around 1st...
then went Ice Skating...
it been dn noe how many yr da last time i skat... like a noob...
after a while stil can skat without holding to da wall...
bt very very slowww....hehe...
went 4 2hr++ onli...

wee...which is my hand...

act cute...haha....

4th station...
Home BBQ...

no time it wesak day and MOTHER DAY...
hav 2 go back home have BBQ...
around 20++ ppl attended...
included me n 4 of my fren...
all busy eating dn take picture.... luckily i did not miss out da cake...
from secret recipe...

White Chocolate Macadamia

5th station...

after eating, clean up, bath...
around 11.30pm...went to Starbuck SS15...
i made a mistake...u will noe y when u read till da end...
i took da mocha with cream...
at 1st i ask 4 da smallest wan...
then da staff said +2buck to da largest wan...
then i said ok without thinking bout it...
in the end i finish it...kind of fulllll...

this is wat i drank...

can u c wat da diff btw tis & da next pic???

can u spot it???

6th station...
Summit USJ Cinema...

then rush to da cinema in summit....
c got any movie available...
actually want to watch 'coming soon' wan...
bt not available tat day o...
in d end...watched 'Paul Blart : Mall Cop'...
it a chance u guys go n check it out k...

Last Station...
so tired...for sure go back tidur la...
b4 tat talk for a while 1st lo...
it aledi around 3.30am...
then Zzzzzzz....
mana tau cannot sleep le....
i do mention earlier on i made a mistake...
is da drink lo...
should not get da largest wan....
i think around 5 sumting onli sleep...

Next morning...woke up at 7.30am...
need to send them back KL ma...
>>Times Square>>Setapak>>Puduraya>>Subang
Can sleep d lo....happy but tired....
stop here d more next time ya...